
Arturo J. Real is an artist. He was born and raised in Venezuela, and lives in the moment.

When there's not a camera in his hands, he prefers an instrument or a Nutella croissant as a temporary replacement.

He’s the worst at speaking in the third person and so I’ll switch it up and thank you for visiting this About page!

In May 2021, I wrapped up my fourth year working as a Technologist in Production at CS50. CS50 is an on-campus and online introductory course on computer science taught at Harvard University, Yale University, and hundreds of cities around the world.

I took CS50 at The Idea Center in Miami, Florida while I was in college. After graduating, I worked alongside the course instructors and production team to produce the last 4 years of lectures and course materials. Together, we built upon the course experience for the in-person audience of students at Harvard and Yale, as well as the course’s massive community of students and educators online. Inspired by all I’ve learned and experienced since moving to Cambridge, I’m paving the way for my own flavor of storytelling and educating. I’ll do my best to keep you updated on the progress, so if you’re interested, consider following the journey on the socials linked on this page!